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Home » Education » Bring the World to Your Classroom with Carleton

At Carleton University, we believe the best learning environments combine theory and practice. Research shows that this type of experiential learning contributes to student engagement, improved academic performance, and better work/life skills.

All of Carleton’s undergraduate programs provide you with skills that are directly transferable to the workplace including writing, organization, communication, research, critical thinking, time management, problem-solving and the ability to synthesize information, so that you have the flexibility, knowledge, and tools to survive in an ever-changing job market.

We also strive to provide students with real-life experiences and bring the classroom to the world by emphasizing hands-on research, community engagement, quality work experiences, and immersive learning.

Many of Carleton’s undergraduate programs offer co-op work, internships, and practicum placements so students can apply these skills in real-world situations. We also encourage undergraduate research, entrepreneurship initiatives, and Community Service Learning.

We offer on-campus career counselling and encourage students to take advantage of these right from their first year so that together, we can help shape your future.

Carleton is known as the Canadian university of choice for international students and for fostering a global perspective among our students. You’ll find student peers here from over 150 countries. Turning undergraduates into global citizens requires exposure to global and international experiences, so we offer many opportunities for students to study abroad. Even if you choose to stay in Ottawa, our campus experience can provide you with the resources to build a global perspective.

Carleton will prepare you for the real world by defining your career goals and gaining the skills and knowledge to achieve them.

Visit to learn more about our specific undergraduate degree programs.

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