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Home » Education » Could a Career Specialist Help Find Your Dream Job?

Toronto Community Employment Services (TCES) has connected thousands of GTA residents with meaningful employment over the past four decades, providing services such as resume building, interview practice, career counselling, job coaching workshops, and job retention training to further job seekers’ employment and career goals. 

Through many years of experience, and by leveraging collaborative teamwork, employment specialists like Kamuran enhance clients’ short-term job prospects and develop their long-term career goals, while bringing awareness to career avenues that may be unfamiliar to many Canadians.

Mediaplanet: Why are employment specialists’ services particularly important in a constantly changing job market for both employers and job seekers?

Kamuran: Employment specialists have a panoramic view of the whole labour market. They know how to address employers’ fundamental needs, while also helping them to be more flexible and open to change. When job seekers take professional career advice, they gain knowledge about many important aspects of a competitive labour market.

Can you describe the relationship an employment specialist builds with their clients?

It’s a very comprehensive relationship in which a client and employment specialist work collaboratively to achieve the client’s employment goals. We support clients at each and every stage of the employment cycle, from job search to job retention and career development. We provide support from pre-employment to post-placement. For newcomers, we provide resources on everything from rental housing to employee rights.

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