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Women in Trades

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While Canada’s skilled trades industry is growing and more women than ever are entering the workforce, the field is still dominated by men. In this year’s Women in Trades campaign, learn about the immense value of mentorship, local education and training programs that are available, and the opportunities for everyone from young girls to women pursuing a career change. Join the movement to shape a more diverse and dynamic future.

See It to Be It: Mentoring as a Pathway into the Trades

If people within the skilled trades step up as mentors, they will shine a light on a job opportunity in the trades — just by being themselves.

The Power of Mentorship: Inspiring Tomorrow’s Leaders

We asked trade industry ambassadors-slash-mentors Mandy Rennehan and Jamie McMillan, and four of their mentees, about how mentorship is forging our future.

How to Leverage a Labour Shortage in the Skilled Trades for a Meaningful Career

More women are entering the workforce than ever, and as they occupy senior positions, the tired narrative around skilled trades as a male field is changing.

Where Do Educators Fit into the Career Success Formula?

As they’re planning for their future, we often advise young women to follow their passion. But what if they haven’t discovered it yet?

How Are Provinces Diversifying the Future of Trades?

Skills Canada is the leading Canadian organization promotes skilled trades and technologies to youth. Read on for insights from Ontario, BC, and Alberta.

The 10 In-Demand Trades Jobs in British Columbia

Here are 10 of the top in-demand trade occupations, according to the BCIT — and the BCIT programs designed to prepare you for them.

Mentorship Is Crucial to Growing a Female Workforce

With trades facing significant skills shortages, women are in a prime position to fill positions — but they still only make up 4.7% of trade workers in BC.

Saving a Place for Women in Construction

Committed to diversity, LNG and JGC Fluor launch their joint YOUR PLACE program to attract, recruit, train, and employ more women in the skilled trades.

Women in Construction — Trading in a Job for a Career

Women share their experiences from the YOUR PLACE skilled trades program, and the positive impact it’s had on their lives — both professional and personal.

A Message from Skills Ontario

Learn about the opportunities and support available for young women considering skilled trades from Skills Ontario’s Jennifer Green.

Opportunities for Women in Energy

The nuclear industry has unlimited possibilities for women, so we asked three industry leaders for their insights about the opportunities ahead.

How WiN Helps Women Succeed in the Nuclear Industry

Organizations like WiN help women succeed in the nuclear industry. WiN President Lisa McBride shares some insights on the types of opportunities available.

Algonquin College and Hydro Ottawa Partner to Save Women a Seat in the Classroom

With women being underrepresented in science and technology sectors, Algonquin College and Hydro Ottawa are saving a space for qualified women.

Women in Power

As more women enjoy the advantages of a career in the trades, the construction industry is benefiting from the strength of a diversified workforce.

Proud LiUNA Sister Building Canada in Partnership

We asked proud LiUNA Sister and general labourer for Aecon, Nikole Robinson, about her experience with LiUNA and Aecon’s new Women in Trades Program.

A National Strategy for Women in Trades

The National Strategy for Women in Trades task force is establishing a target to increase participation and retention of females in skilled trades.

Women of Steel: Forging New Opportunities

The Women of Steel campaign aims at encouraging more women to explore careers in welding by fostering education, growth, confidence, and experiences.

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